Bez fluoru, Page 5
Základový kluzný vosk, který se snadno taví a dobře absorbuje se do skluznice. Vhodný pro napuštění skluznic nových lyží, na kameni nastrukturovaných lyží nebo proparafínování...
Recommended for maximum results! The new MasterWax Ultra8 Fluorfree wax has been revamped to replace the old HF Ultra8! This new line of racing powders has been developed to...
Recommended for maximum results! The new MasterWax Ultra8 Fluorfree wax has been revamped to replace the old HF Ultra8! This new line of racing powders has been developed to...
Recommended for maximum results! The new MasterWax Ultra8 Fluorfree wax has been revamped to replace the old HF Ultra8! This new line of racing powders has been developed to...
Recommended for maximum results! The new MasterWax Ultra8 Fluorfree wax has been revamped to replace the old HF Ultra8! This new line of racing powders has been developed to...
Fluor-free topcoat for racers and service. Fluorine-free racing liquid wax that offers everything a racer needs: exceptional, long-lasting glide at maximum speed - a level of...
– na nový vlhký sníh a mokré, rozbředlé stopy – pro teplotu vzduchu od 0 °C do -2 °C – balení včetně aplikační špachtle